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Internet Filtering: 2007 Year in Review

Internet Filtering: 2007 Year in Review

In the thick of Berkman@10's uninterrupted series of major events, announcements, and releases, we feted and discussed the OpenNet Initiative's landmark book on global Internet filtering, Access Denied, published earlier this semester.

In anticipation of the OpenNet Initiative's new, greatly expanded data set, which will be rolling out soon (and no doubt considerations of Internet filtering will inform many of the discussions at this week's Berkman@10 conference), we invite you to review some of the filtering that took place in 2007.

OpenNet Initiative, 2007 Year in Review

"Much happened in the world of filtering in the past year," we're reminded on the ONI blog, "Browse by month, and see what happened over the past year — web sites being blocked and unblocked, and legislation considered and passed. This isn't a comprehensive list, but perhaps gives a general idea of what has changed, and what may have stayed the same. Look for many more reports of recent changes, as we release updated profiles of our test countries in the coming months."

A sampling of some related Berkman front page posts from the past semester:

And a reminder that, whether or not you are attending this week's conference, you are invited to add fodder to the conversations by tagging apropos materials "berkmanat10" in and elsewhere.

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