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Call for Updated and New Technology Submissions to the Internet Safety Technical Task Force

In the spirit of openness and participation inspired by election day, the Internet Safety Technical Task Force is encouraging your continued participation in its process as it concludes its inquiry into technology tools to promote youth online safety.

The Task Force is now in the final quarter of this undertaking. In the interest of ensuring that the process is as current and inclusive as possible in identifying relevant technologies, the Task Force would like to invite any technology company that submitted to the Technology Advisory Board in July and has since made a material change to its technology to provide an updated submission. Additionally, the Task Force invites companies that were unable to submit a technology to the TAB in July to do so now. Please be sure to use the template posted on the TAB webpage and submit no later than November 30, 2008.

Please note: All original submissions will remain online, and all new and/or updated submissions will be posted on the Task Force's website along with those received previously. However, new and/or updated submissions will not be considered by the Technology Advisory Board, as their formal review process is now complete. Please feel free to contact Jess Tatlock with any questions.

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Internet Safety Technical Task Force

The Internet Safety Technical Task Force (ISTTF) is a group of Internet businesses, non-profit organizations, academics, and technology companies that have joined together to…